Winner Joe Biden
Option A
63 %
Donald Trump
Option B
36 %
Showing 510/500 responses
Public    03 Nov 2020
322 Responses to Option A
322 people chose A as their choice
1. Trump is the worst president ever to exist, and Biden is way better.
2. Because we can't handle 4 more years of Trump. We need a change. Though Joe wasn't my top choice, he sure isn't Trump.
3. I trust Joe Biden.
4. He's not an incompetent, racist, sexist idiot.
6. I agree with his healthcare plan
8. Donald Trump is an arrogant, mean man who only cares about himself.
9. He is not an idiot.
11. I prefer honest people over criminals.
13. Joe biden might not be very progressive, but he's a lot more progressive than Donald Trump
16. asdasdasd
17. Biden is more in touch with the lives of average middle-class people, while Trump mostly supports the wealthy.
18. He has the interest of Americans at heart.
19. Because he isn't Donald Trump.
21. I think Trump could potentially ruin the country, while Biden would more than likely do very little, which is good enough for me.
22. I have been thoroughly disappointed in the actions that Donald Trump has taken since he became president, and think it's time another person took his place.
24. Because I believe Joe Biden has the USA's best interests at heart and he will bring us into a better future.
25. I normally vote against incumbents.
26. He is more presidential and is policies align more with my personal beliefs.
27. Many reasons
28. He's the best!
29. He prefers to Feed the Poor while his opponent prefer to Feed the Rich.
30. Way better moral candidate compared to Donald Trump, who is a bastard.
31. Donald Trump is an embarrassment to the nation, and will be remembered as one of the nation's worst leaders.
33. trump is making this country split
34. Because hes not donald trump. I vote democratic.
39. The other is retarded and a racist.
40. I want democratic candidate to rule America
41. a less conservative version of trump, plus covid has gotten ridiculous because trump down playing it.
42. I think he is a better option for our country.
43. We need to make america better!
45. I don't like Donald Trump for many reasons.
47. Biden is a Chinese sympathizer and a communist. America will fall in to ruin under his leadership.
48. I lean liberal and overall Biden is more likely to make decisions I approve of. Though it's close, as I am pretty unhappy with him as a candidate.
50. I support his view on taking covid19 seriously
51. Because he would be a better leader. Unlike Trump who only cares about himself.
52. I chose Joe Biden because Donald Trump isn't an effective leader and I don't line up with his stance on certain policies.
55. Because it shows a vote for Joe Biden and Donald Trump is a raving lunatic.
56. I don't agree with most of Donald Trump does and he is a liar.
57. We need change and I think he would offer change
59. Because he deserves to be the president and he is more intelligent than Trump.
65. I want more action on COVID
67. Not a raging incompetent narcissist
69. hes a democrat
70. trump is a megalomaniac and has destroyed our nation and its stature in the world.
71. He's slightly less racist and rapist.
72. More liberal
75. Because he would be a competent President. He would normalize relations with our allies.
76. for better management
77. He wants change, a move away from the hate filled and science hating Trump way.
78. I want decency, humanity, sanity restored in the White House and the country.
79. Four years of Donald Trump has been a living nightmare. People in my life are now dead as the result of his leadership. Any good he could have done, he hasn't, and after four years it's pretty clear that he isn't fit to lead.
80. it's not trump
82. he is a better man for the job. he has empathy and compassion, he has a plan, he is much more stable than the opponent
83. For our future
84. he has better policies for minorities
85. He is capable of the job.
89. Donald Trump is a bad president
90. Because I don't like corruption.
91. na
92. I think he is more honest
93. Because Trump is a joke, take it from me a life long repub
95. Because I'm not a white nationalist, fascist, sexist, xenophobic bigot. Because I believe in democracy, not a fascistic cult.
97. it isn't trump
98. I chose to vote for Joe Biden because he isn't Donald Trump.
101. Because Trump has shown himself to be a lying, wprthless idiot.
104. Because I'm a Democrat and trump is the worst president ever.
106. I support democrats
107. Joe Biden cares about all Americans and will restore morals, ethics and compassion to the white house.
109. He is a great candidate with an actual plan to defeat covid and help reduce income inequality
111. Only real alternative to trump.
112. He is going to put us on the right track and create change
113. Because I'm appalled at Trump's racism, his divisiveness, his wannabe Caligula attitude, the tweets that belong more to a 14 year old - he's just awful.
114. Donald Trump is crazy and unqualified.
116. Option 2 does not represent my party.
118. I am tired of Trump
119. While Biden is not my first choice by any means, I am genuinely terrified of Donald Trump winning again.
121. Joe Biden's political history has proven that he will work for the people regardless of race, sex, gender, sexuality, or nationality.
122. I already voted for Former Vice President Biden in October by mail. He is the better choice to lead the country in this time of crisis. President Donald Trump has failed miserably.
124. He is the best option for our country
125. Trump has been a disaster for this country. He's racists, a misogynist, a liar, and a malignant sociopath. He has no respect for anyone or anything. Biden cares about the America people as well as America itself. I believe he will not only heal our country but will work to restore our standing on the world stage.
130. I hate Trump, he doesn't unite the country
132. Return to a rational potus. Renew efforts to protect the environment. Elect a president who know how the rule of law is supposed to work.
133. He’s the lesser evil of the two
134. Trump is a disgusting human being. Biden has a heart at least!
135. Trump is a nonstop liar and constantly underminds our democracy.
136. I want corona to end
138. donald trump is awful
140. I love him
141. He will restore decency, truth, and mature leadership to our country. He is a skilled statesman and a moral person who cares about Americans.
142. Don’t like Trump
143. We need a more responsible leader that can handle the pandemic situation better and one that truly cares for the average American and the economic struggles they face.
145. I think Trump is a manipulative liar and a racist, and I do not wish to have to person to be our president for four more years.
148. I would like to have a democrat as president during the COVID pandemic. There would be a higher chance of getting much needed immediate stimulus to people who really need it.
149. i do not like Trumps ruling style and disagree with his ideas
150. good name our society
151. Joe Biden because we need real leadership to pull us out of this pandemic. Also the economy creates jobs faster and more so with Democratic presidents than Republicans and that is a fact on the government websites.
153. Trump is scary!
156. Joe biden has all the attributes i want in a president.
157. He is the better choice for our nation. I think he is more easily influenced by the plight of the people and we need somebody who actually cares about doing what is right for our country not someone who just wants to be on top.
159. I have a strong belief in ethical behavior. Trump does not show that in any way.
160. I dont really like either one of them, but I hate Biden less.
161. Because Trump is a bad person.
162. Trump is a disaster.
163. Anyone is better than Trump. Plus, I agree with his stance on issues like global warming. Trump is horrible.
165. I think Trump badly mishandled the pandemic response. I also do not like his divisiveness. I think we need a change and Biden will work better with opposing parties. I also think he has more than enough relevant experience serving in Washington DC.
169. Because Donald Trump is an embarrassment. A fraud, cheater and serial liar, he never should have been elected to begin with, and I'm ashamed that I voted for him in 2016. ANYONE is better than him, and I honestly think that Biden will do a decent job restoring our economy, fighting COVID and helping our country regain a good reputation in the world.
171. good name in our society
172. I can't stand Donald Trump. He has fascist leanings and is ruining our country
173. Trump is racist
174. He is a strong leader and cares about people. He isn't racist or full of hate.
175. I can't stand Donald Trump. He has fascist leanings and is ruining our country
176. Donald Trump has done a lot of damage to our country and we need to start making it better again which I believe Biden will do.
181. Donald Trump is not ethical and requires "yes" people and a cheer squad surround him,
182. There is not much difference between the two, ultimately I side with the guy that treats people with respect.
184. He is better for the future of our country to unite us and stop encouraging racist dividing behavior.
185. Our country is in chaos under the current president.
186. He is actually smart and a good leader
187. Because Trump is a terrible president who has broken many laws and shown little regard for human life. I'd vote for anyone if they were running against him.
190. Anything but Trump
193. lesser of two evils
194. i would like to vote for joe biden because i need a change
195. I don't want to see this country go to war, and I don't want an idiot to helm this ship anymore.
196. he has a better chance to run the country and doing it more responsibly because i really do not trust the economy with Trump
200. I hate Donald Trump
201. i am tired of trump being in office
202. He's not racist.
203. Because Trump is garbage. He is a narcissistic rapist.
206. more competent and trustworthy
207. I don't like trump
210. I am a Democrat
211. we can somewhat trust biden as a person and decent human
213. I don't like the job that Trump has done so far so I want some change. He has divided the country which I don't like.
214. Trump has made a mess of this country and Biden can help it get back on track.
215. He was Vice President for 8 Years. He knows more than Trump.
216. Biden is not selfish and has some sense to become a reasonable leader. Trump is an egotistical narcissistic maniac.
217. He has my interests at heart and he’s not a lunatic
218. Because Joe Biden would better represent and help all Americans rather than Trump who plays way too much into the conservative republican base as well as has helped the wealthy and bigger corporations. Trump is selfish and wants to assert absolute power and Biden would support the majority and is capable of compassion within policies and potential governmental actions.
221. I would vote for Biden because I am a democrat and I believe he will make America great.
222. I am voting against Trump
224. Because I believe Joe Biden is more concerned about the environment and international affairs, unlike Donald Trump.
225. Donald Trump is completely unsuited to be president.
233. Being that he will help combat climate change
235. Because he has good ideas and doesn't embrace hate
236. Trump is an absolute disaster. The GOP in general is.
238. I'm sane
240. I think Joe Biden has more experience has a political leader and genuinely cares about the people. Trump's presidency has left America in a turmoil. He doesn't know how to be a leader and only cares about self gains.
241. I want Kamala to be president soon!
243. I trust him more with regards to the Coronavirus
244. Donald Trump is the worst president we've had since Andrew Johnson. I would vote for any decent person instead of him.
245. He has more political experience and knowledge. He was a more temperate attitude and can work better with others.
249. His policies align more with my beliefs. Additionally, trump has absolutely nothing substantive to offer and instead only riles up the worst thoughts in our society that belong nowhere near the political mainstream.
250. Because Trump sucks.
251. I don't agree with Trump and the person he is. I think he has divided this country worse than it ever has and we need to work back to getting along. We can't have a president threatening other states.
252. Come on, it's Trump. He's the absolute worst. Anyone not Trump is better.
254. Donald Trump is a moron, a liar, a cheat, and a crook who has a hand in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American citizens due to his inability to take charge, do his job, and protect people from a viral pandemic.
260. Trump's disappointing response to the coronavirus is the last straw, most of my beliefs are in opposition to his values, i think he's the worst leader our country has ever had. Biden has some strong suits, he has Democratic values.
262. because he is better for the country and is a statesman with more dignity and class and he has far more experience
263. I don't like Biden, do not want to consent to him as my president, and don't think he is best for the job. However, Trump has done some pretty disgusting things and I definitely don't him to be my president for another 4 years.
265. I chose Biden because he represents on what America should be as a whole in regards to equality, respect, and admiration.
268. He is my preferred candidate.
269. Trump Is and embarrassment who makes America look bad. I will never vote for a rich man with jowels.
270. Because Donald Trump has been a poor president in every regard.
274. I support Democrat policy positions, I am liberal and Trump is a narcissistic bigot.
275. I just hate trump and his racist ideology.
276. Trump has been doing a horrible job and we need someone different.
279. He's moral
280. Because anyone is better than Trump
281. I just can't deal with Donald Trump's racism.
282. Trump in an incompetent narcissist. Biden is competent.
284. he doesn't seem like he is only trying to benefit himself. He actually seems like he cares and isn't about intimidation and loyalty. He's about what is right
286. Because Joe Biden has policies that align with my own. Additionally, Biden has the personality/characteristics to lead the country.
287. We need a president to bring the people together not divide them.
288. He will help unite our country
289. I think Trump has ruined our relationships with the rest of the world. He doesn't care about anyone but himself
290. They are both terrible but Biden is just less terrible.
291. Because although neither choice is ideal, Biden truly is the lesser of two evils. Trump is wholly unqualified and dangerous for this country and has shown it through his 4 years, especially during the pandemic. Fuck trump (he’s a common noun).
292. More progressive
293. Joe cares more about the peoples wellbeing then Donald Trump ever will
294. He's competent, qualified and experienced. Trump is a dangerous idiot.
295. I believe that he is the only true leader out of these two.
296. No sentient being would vote for a guy who is actively destroying and killing the citizens of the country he is supposed to be governing. Not to mention, he is a severely mentally ill sociopathic criminal. No semi-sane person would want this guy in charge of anything.
297. Because Trump is a racist douchebag con man failure
298. Because Trump has been a disaster and it is time to return to normalcy.
300. joe biden is the former vice president, now the Democratic presidential nominee, he can build on the Obama legacy and unite the country in a challenging. and I am democrat party member so I wish to vote my party candidate.
302. Because Donald Trump is unacceptable.
303. i dnt like trump and his thoughts about country and immigration polices and corona time lockdown
305. Because Trump has done nothing for this country except do things that prop up his ego.
306. Donald Trump is emotionally unstable. Joe Biden has a more stable personality
307. Because I'm a liberal and I can't stand Donald Trump. He's a terrible person and a terrible president.
308. best to help everybody
309. Because Trump has already proven himself to be despicable and will probably get worse, Biden can't be any worse.
310. I don't support trump, I'm a democrat. I don't think Trump would be a good president. I am a little worried that Biden is old though. I don't mind either way and I think trump would win anyways but I think Biden or another democratic candidate would've been a better choice.
311. to vote against trump
312. I believe he would try to bring this divided country together
313. Joe Biden is the only one who can save the country from ultimate division, hate, and regression.
314. I would vote for Joe Biden because he seems nicer and not a racist. I like his viewpoints and I think he's a safer choice than Donald Trump.
317. Because I think he is better candidate.
318. We need change in the country.
319. Joe Biden supports science and isn't a racist fascist.
320. Because the other option means the end of America
323. I am registered Democrat
326. Joe Biden for the least part is a decent human being with logical and rational thoughts. He is able to comprehend what is going on in the country without being delusional such as the other person. He cares about more than just himself. With him there is at least hope for America.
327. I voted for Joe Biden because he proposed student loan forgiveness, environmental policy changes, and is a fairly competent human.
328. The country is in trouble with coronavirus and we need a change.
329. Because Donald Trump is racist, insane, and stupid.
330. I want dignity and honesty from a President. Trump has given us neither.
332. Because I am aligned more with Biden on the issues and I view Trump as morally, ethically and behaviorally unfit for any office, let alone POTUS.
333. He gives me hope for this country
334. The experience of the previous 4 years
335. Because he is a decent human being.
336. To get Trump out
337. I cannot stand Trump and his beliefs. I have to vote against him.
338. I want to not live in fear of my rights being taken away anymore.
339. He is the only candidate who is not a fascist.
340. I think he'll handle the coronavirus better than Trump.
342. I will vote for Joe Biden just for a change.
343. We need to get the country back on track again and work for the people
344. I attend church every Sunday, but I am also a public school teacher. Betsy DeVous and Donald Trump want to privatize public education to for profit charter schools.
345. to give chance for a new person
347. Biden will give us more of tax dollars
350. Donald Trump said he was a Nationalist. Nationalists most be opposed.
351. Because It will be a better president
353. I vote for Biden because I believe he can make a different with the virus, equality
354. Because I will support almost an opponent of the President Trump.
355. I like Biden than Trump
356. I chose to vote for Biden because my husband is salvadorian. Thanks to President Trump I now live in almost daily fear of someone feeling bold enough to attack him. We also fear if he remains for another 4 years family members of his could end up at the concentration camps. Also Trump has no value for environmental conservation. I am also a supporter of abolishing the electoral college.
357. We need the White House to rebuild cooperative relationships with the rest of the world. We need to truly rebuild the economy. Trump failed in both of these areas. We need real leadership back into the White House.
358. I don't want Trump to be reelected.
360. For his policies on climate change and taxes on the wealthy
361. because i want him to win
362. He's honest, decent, and clearly cares about the country, whereas Donald Trump clearly cares only about himself.
363. I support his policies. I think he has the most fair approach to policy making.
364. Joe Biden supports issues I identify with
365. I support his policies.
368. I believe Donald Trump has failed as a president. The covid-19 pandemic just shows how unfit he is to lead. When facing a real problem, he doesn't lead. He blames everyone around him who doesn't agree with his own ideas, regardless of whether they are based in fact or not. Joe Biden has a plan, and he has a proven track record of being a leader.
371. Because I believe he will be the president who can do the best for our country.
372. I believe that Biden has the skill to turn over the sinking economy
373. I am ready for a change and I prefer his policies over Trump.
374. he will take care next 4 years. he will handle all situation. so that
377. because he would be a real politician and would get this country the help it needs.
378. i hate trump
381. I am a registered Democrat, and I strongly believe Biden is a more stable candidate, carries a unifying message, and possesses a sound policy approach.
382. Dignity, calm, honest, pride....just basic things that this country has lost under President Trump
383. Lesser of two evils
384. its better than the alternative, Im not happy about it but it is what it is
386. 1Joe Biden is good
387. he is more empathetic toward the current situation in America and more trustworthy to clear it up
388. Joe Biden has the same beliefs that I do about being empathetic towards others and society. He has a lot of experience on the hill and can benefit the country rather than hurting it over the next four years.
393. My wedge issue is honesty
394. he is not crazy as Trump
399. Better candidate
401. cuz i don't like trump
403. I am just not a fan of the leadership style of Donald Trump.
405. I do not necessarily hate Donald Trump, but I strongly disagree with his morals, views, and how he presents himself. I also strongly dislike some of the controversial remarks he's made!
407. Fuck Trump.
408. Because i think he will do a better job.
409. Donald Trump is dangerous for democracy.
410. Because he's not Donald Trump
413. I believe he's the best choice. I'm Democrat and I don't trust Trump
414. Because I am a Democrat, and Donald Trump is maniac.
418. Because he is the better man. Trump is an unstable man.
423. Biden's not a drug addled fascist trying to destroy democracy.
424. Donald Trump proved he is not capable of leading the country.
425. He is a better, more presidential person. He isn't divisive.
426. I think it's time we had a new president. Trump had his chance and he has not been a good leader for this country. He does not take the coronavirus, and all the deaths it has caused, that seriously. It's time to see what Biden can do, I think he actually seems to care more about the people and Trump just acts like he does.
427. Trump is the worst president in our history - I would vote for anyone but him.
430. Trump is ruining the country
434. Because I believe in most of his policies and believe he would do so much better than Trump
435. im democratic
437. Because trump is a dangerously flawed narcissistic, vain, corrupt individual with no redeeming personal values.
438. I'm not a racist piece of human garbage.
440. Although both candidates are bad, Biden actually believes in science.
441. He is the lesser of two evils.
442. Because Trump has proven that he’s a racist and showed what he can do, and it didn’t benefit my community much at all
444. Unlike Trump, Joe Biden is a man of integrity. He has self-control and will help guide the country back to a road of maturity and cooperation with the rest of the world.
445. Trump has put us in a worse-off state in the past 4 years and has done nothing about COVID-19 and racial inequality. He has no plan and I don't even know his policies, but I know what Biden stands for and I mostly agree with what he wants to do for America. Plus, I think he'd do a better job.
446. Because he is a decent human being.
447. Donald Trump has completely failed to show the leadership required to resolve the issues that arose during his term in the office.
448. It time for a change in power.
449. Donald Trump proved he is not capable of leading the country.
450. He's better.
453. Biden is in line with my choice of the Democratic party, shares my values on environmentalism, racial equality, and protecting against the coronavirus. I would also vote for just about anybody else rather than Donald Trump as he has been a terrible president with disgraceful behavior and scandals at an astoundingly unprecedented rate.
454. I trust Biden to take care of this country.
455. Donald Trump has ruined our country and his policies have been terrible. His refusal to take the pandemic seriously has cost the US many lives.
456. I loathe Donald Trump and feel that his term as President has been an abject and humiliating failure.
457. I trust his governmental experience and his health care policy.
460. I don't love Biden, but he has a much calmer, more rational temperament, and I at least trust him to make more reasonable decisions and treat others with more dignity than Trump. His views also align more with my own.
463. I wouldn't vote for either, but if I had to I would vote Biden because he has a chance of being better on healthcare.
464. I would absolutely vote for Joe Biden over Donald Trump because I sincerely believe that Donald Trump is evil. I would never cast a vote for someone who has disgraced the office of President in the ways that he has. Biden isn't perfect, but he is significantly better than Trump in every way possible.
465. I feel like Donald Trump has brought the country into chaos and amplified divisions over the last 4 years, and also has completely mishandled the coronavirus pandemic. I feel like Joe Biden will do a far better job of controlling the pandemic and uniting the country, and will be a president for everyone not just for his supporters and will govern in the best interests of Americans as a whole.
466. Compassion, Empathy, Intelligence, Rational Thinking, Logic
467. I agree with his policies in general. In addition, I think that Trump has demonstrated no leadership during the past 4 years.
468. It's a terrible choice to have to make. If forced to choose between the two I would choose Biden, but only by the smallest of margins. If Trump wasn't so abrasive I really wouldn't have any preference.
469. trump is a fascist and his people are Quislings
470. Respect for humanity, belief in science, women's rights, treatment of LBGTQIA peoples.
474. I feel Biden will be a much better leader for this country. I agree with him and Democratic party more on issues such as climate change, healthcare, and gun control.
475. i chose joe biden because i prefer the democratic party viewpoints more than i do the republican stance. furthermore, i do not believe donald trump is doing a good job as current president, so i would strongly prefer anyone else aside from him.
476. He has the most or all to offer. Plus, he has many, many years of experience.
478. He stands more for the people and I mean everyone unlike Donald Trump who cares for the interest of those most powerful. Joe Biden will do more for the common people that should have been done along time ago. Donald Trump has not kept up with all his promises.
479. I think he is a better leader and more fit to be president. Under his leadership, I think Joe Biden can get the coronavirus under control and keep the economy thriving.
480. Because I don’t think Trump is presidential material. He doesn’t take serious issues as a pandemic as he should and is more concern on his popularity.
481. Because he will restore decency to our country, bring a scientific and reasonable approach to battling covid, drive the white nationalist, proud boys and white militia terrorist back under their rocks, He will stabilize our country, and begin the long road of restoring the presidency and image of America. And he will tax the rich
482. Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and the health of the American people. He has been the worst president in American history. Joe Biden will follow an agenda more closely aligned with my own.
484. Has put together better strategies and plans for the issues in America
486. Our current president has brought out the worst in our society. Racist, xenophobic behavior is spreading and due to Trump's volatile behavior is actively encouraged. His response to the pandemic has been abysmal. He needs to get out of office. It is unacceptable for any leader to behave as childishly and arrogantly as Trump does.
487. Biden is more presidential that understands the people and has experience. He has a plan to bring people together rather than divide us. He has experience with pandemics. I'm exhausted with Trump.
488. Joe Biden is far from my ideal candidate, but 4 more years of Trump would be a blow to the country (or even the world) that would be near-impossible to recover from.
492. I think Donald Trump has demonstrated that he's completely unqualified to run this country, and I find him to be a morally reprehensible human. Though Joe Biden wasn't my first choice for Democratic nominee, I'll happily vote for him over Trump.
493. I believe his has a plan to tackle the pandemic and restore the economy. He will also help with climate change
494. I'm not a racist piece of human garbage.
497. I favor Joe Biden's character over Trump's.
499. Trump has a complete disregard for knowledge, organization, and his responsibility. He is a con artist as well, which does not fare well for his image. His business ventures are essentially a way to evade taxes, convince others to pay for everything, and then skim some money off the top despite not investing personally. He has more bankruptcies than anyone I have ever heard of. Most of his associates end up being sued and criminally investigated for numerous different questionable behaviors.
500. America deserves better than Donald Trump. The divisive and hateful crap that spews from his mouth on a regular basis has divided the country like no one alive today has ever seen. Removing him from office gives the nation at least some shot of regaining a sense of normalcy. Lead by his example mask wearing during a pandemic became a cultural war focal point for the his radicalized followers.....during a frickin' pandemic for christ sakes!!!
501. I would vote for him because it seem Trump isn't running the country properly and we need a change also I like the benefits he offered. such as better healthcare
503. Donald Trump has been the worst president in my lifetime.
504. We need to return to a normal country and renounce racism which our current president is incapable of doing. Trump is a criminal morally bankrupt buffoon who is destroying this country
505. Because he is the only Good candidate
507. Can’t stand the personality of Donald Trump. Also terrible handling of the pandemic, frequently putting his beliefs over science
509. I'm not a racist piece of human garbage.
510. President Trump has not been able to improve the conditions of the country that he promised. I think that Biden has better proposals for the country's solutions.
188 Responses to Option B
188 people chose B as their choice
7. I'm a Republican
10. Joe Biden just wants to give handouts.
12. Joe Biden is losing his mind and will destroy our country
14. I consider myself as Republican.
15. I believe in President Trump's America First agenda
20. I believe he’s better for the economy
23. Donald Trump is a strong leader.
32. I love America
35. He has done a better job than what we are led to believe. He may shoot from the hip at times but I feel he is honest.
36. Cause he won't wreck the country as bad as the other guy.
38. Because Donald Trump is a strong leader, and I agree about his traditional values.
44. I think he knows how to run a country compare to Biden.
46. He is dynamic
54. i thing he is a good leader
58. Because Biden is a joke and there is no other option other than these two.
60. Economy, taxes, job growth, platinum plan, abortion, 2nd amendment
61. GOOD
62. I like what Donald Trump is doing with employing millions of people and people have jobs. All in all Donald Trump is helping our country.
63. my favorite
64. i always admire him a lot
66. correct one
68. He's a conservative
73. Biden is a corpse, Trump is great!
74. because of his transparency
81. trump cares about america, biden cares about china
87. I am Republican and I want Trump to win.
88. I am a conservative person and Donald Trump fights for the things that I agree with. Such as tougher trade with China, legal immigration, capitalism and the rule of law.
94. because trump isnt bought by china
96. I voted for Donald Trump because I like what he has done so far . I don't believe Joe Biden is able to do the job.
99. Because he has an experience of presidency and i think he is a man of high intelligence.
100. I won’t vote for a radical. Trump has proven to be effective.
102. he is a republican plus I do not trust Biden
103. I voted today via mail-in ballot, which I dropped off at the Post Office. I chose to vote for Donald Trump, which is why I chose Trump in this survey. He is a much stronger personality than Biden, and this country needs a strong, fearless leader to take America forward. He is more charismatic than Biden, also.
105. Because I think Joe Biden is dangerous for our country.
108. Because Trump stands for the things I agree with. And because Biden is a socialist who will help destroy America.
110. Joe Biden forgets what he is talking about sometimes, i can only imagine how he will be in few years
115. I think that there will be a radical shift in culture regarding race relations is Joe Biden is elected.
117. Because the left is currently supporting the very violent riots of BLM and Antifa. Plus, the Democrats are the ones keeping our businesses shut down. They are killing our jobs just to damage Trump's great economy. It's sick.
120. is the best
123. More conservative
126. Maga,And nobody better to do it then Donald J Trump
127. DONE
128. i like it
129. He made good on his promises. He did a wonderful thing for the black community by giving them jobs. He also got our economy booming. I don't know why people hate him but are happy their money is working for them.
131. He is the lesser of two evils.
137. Better policies
139. I think Trump will continue to resuscitate our economy and I think he will do a better job to get us past the current pandemic.
144. He is the right man for the President.
146. I LIKE
147. Better for the stock market and economy.
152. He has done a great job during this pandemic.
154. Half an hour later, voting will end in the pivotal swing states of Florida and Pennsylvania ... Mr Biden has accused Mr Trump of a haphazard response to the pandemic ... "I think we have a really solid chance of winning," he said. ... and the White House for the first time since early in Barack Obama's first term.
155. Donald John Trump is the 45th and current president of the United States. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality.
158. I think he is the law and order president and I think he is the best president to keep us safe.
164. Donald John Trump is the 45th and current president of the United States. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality.
166. Biden sucks and will be horrible for us, Kamala will be potus
167. NICE
168. Because he is by far the best man for the job and not a criminal.
170. Although I feel Donald Trump could improve his personal communication skills and he is not my ideal candidate I do think he will do a better job than Joe Biden with our economy and immigration issues. In regards to social injustice which is currently a big issue I do not think it will be resolved with either candidate.
177. I think he better president than biden would be
178. I am Republican and I figure that we basically know what we are getting with him, and that he doesn't have dementia.
179. There are too many reasons to list here, but among them are: I'm strongly against abortion; Trump has done an excellent job with the Presidency; Biden's integrity is lacking; etc.
180. He has run a business, signed paychecks and provided employee benefits. Biden is just a career whore politician.
183. I'm still going to vote for President Trump in spite of his less than presidential ... President Donald Trump is not a very likeable person
188. I am looking at what he is doing for the country not what he says
189. I always vote Republican. And I feel that Donald Trump would do the best to boost the economy. Also third, he is doing a better job of handling the pandemic. He has the same views as I do.
191. I believe in the Republican platform more than the Democratic platform.
192. He's draining that swamp and F'n up those pedophiles.
197. Better plan for America. Better policies and beliefs.
198. I would vote for Donald Trump because I believe what he promises. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris openly lie about their views even when there is video evidence. Donald Trump will do much better leading the country in the current situation we are in.
199. he will not lock us up again
204. I do not feel comfortable with Biden as president. I don't like Trump but I just don't like Biden more.
205. Joe Biden is running as a last resort for the Democrats. I typically vote party lines and although I don't think Donald Trump is a good person, I think he has a backbone to make necessary decisions.
208. Because he aligns to my political beliefs. I disagree with abortion and gun control.
209. He is comparitively better
212. I believe he is the best to get the job done. I don't trust Biden who is a career politician.
219. I am more republican. I am not Joe Biden supporter at all.
220. Joe Biden is crooked and has been in politics for way too long
223. I do not like the turn the democratic party has taken.
226. I usually vote for the republican candidate. I think it will be better for the economy
227. because Joe Biden is a career politician that has accomplished nothing over 40 years.
228. I feel he is the right person to make America Great again. He is tested and proven to make the economy great. I believe in him.
229. Are economy has never been better, he’s created more jobs for Americans, and he wants to ban abortion
230. republican
231. like his regime. So I think I should vote for him.
232. His policies and beliefs are more closely aligned with my own
234. Way too many great reasons to list here
237. because the other one scares me sniffing children's hair and wanting to raise my taxed
239. Because I agree with more policies that he supports than Joe Biden. I also feel that he will be able to get our economy back on track much quicker after a vaccine is found for COVID-19
242. After 47 years in government, Biden should have a long list of accomplishments. He's a career politician with few accomplishments. Donald Trump is somewhat obnoxious. But in the end, he actually takes action that benefits the US.
246. he has been a good president has creaed many jobs
247. I am a republican, and although I have no loyalty to the party, Donald Trump better represents my values, and I believe is better for the economy.
248. Anti establishment
253. Friendly and good leadership
255. I believe in a conservative America
256. Because everyone knows option 1 is a socialist party, and I am 100% democracy.
257. very power full men
258. Best president ever, isn't a regular politician puts America first, isn't selling out the country so they can live in a giant mansion ( already was wealthy ) speaks his mind, doesn't read off a teleprompter, is a genuine person.
259. Trump has proven he can do the job, and will continue to move this country forward.
261. I prefer him
264. I voted for him last election. I voted for him again.
266. I’m not a trump supporter, but I would choose him over Biden. I do not agree with Biden’s stance of gun control or the economy.
267. Donald Trump is the best person to bring the economy and jobs back. Biden would shut us down, so my vote is for Donald Trump.
271. I Like Donald Trump's Attitude....
272. Trump's not the greatest but he is the best option of the two.
273. I do not want to live in a Socialist country.
277. Hes a non politician that genuinely are about America.
278. Trump would keep America safer.
283. i would vote for donald trump because he is one of the best choices, he is against abortion, & he cares about our people. he is the best for our country.
285. Pro life, believe would better navigate economic recovery
299. Because the other choice is deadly for my country.
301. Kamala Harris is someone I can not in good conscience put near the White House. She scares me more than any other politician ever has, and Biden likely won't complete his first term.
304. i always support him
315. He has done much for the economy. I think he handled the pandemic well and he treats our military with respect.
316. The democratic party is on the verge of splitting, the moderates no longer have control of the party and the radical left are raising.
321. I chose Donald Trump because he has proven to be a world leader and it is what we need to get out of this mess the economy has gotten in.
322. He is more inspiring.
324. I think President Trump has done well and I sure don't like Biden or his platform.
325. I don't like either of them really, but find Joe Biden very concerning because of his running mate. I prefer capitalism to socialism.
341. I trust him much more.
346. because Donald Trump has been a great president and is the best choice.
348. He will do a better job for the country
349. I LIKE HIM.
352. I want a strong leader and don't believe Biden will be tough enough
359. Trump 2020
366. he is a good person
367. known evil is better
369. GOOD
370. So this is what happened, I voted early and voted for Biden, but after thinking I kinda leaning towards trump, because Biden was in the office with Obama and not much happened then as to what has happened while Trump was in office. It's very hard during this election because I don't know about either one now.
375. Joe Biden want to defund the police and take away our gun
376. he isn't senile with dementia
379. GOOD
380. I prefer his policies over Joe Biden’s. I don’t trust Joe Biden and I think he is likely compromised by his son’s activities in Ukraine and China.
389. He is real and he really cares about America
390. I think Biden is an idiot who has accomplished nothing in his years as a politician and all his awesome sounding plans will do nothing for me except raise my taxes
391. don't like riots and violence
392. everyone talks about trump but no one talks about biden. why? because he's a creep and had nothing good to offer america. so even his own party has to focus on his opponent.
395. Voting for Trump because he is more aligned with my conservative beliefs.
396. I am a Republican
397. I feel Republican leadership will do a better job at recovering the economy. It's not that I prefer Trump, I just prefer Republican at this time.
398. Better than biden who is mentally unfit. Mixed up his granddaughter name tonight and said son was a senator. Just latest examples
400. Because he is good for America
402. I believe that Trump could do more positive for our country than Biden.
404. I prefer lower taxes.
406. I despise the Democratic party.
411. Economy, less taxes, pro life
412. I hate kamala harris
415. Because Biden is incapable of leading this country
416. I approve of the job Trump has done so far, he has done what he said he will do.
419. I think he has done a great job the past four years and he is the one who is most passionate about this country.
420. i like
421. The Hunter Biden scandal has made me vote for Trump.
422. he is a business man and this country needs to run like a business . Biden has been in office 47 years why to long
428. He is the lesser of the two evils.
429. There is a chance that Biden would take weapons away and increase taxes. We already know the harmful things Trump will do, sticking to the same bad is preferable.
432. I like his stance on abortion. That's it.
433. Good for economy, strong military, fair trade for America, stronger borders, sanctity of life, strong leader
436. he has done a great job as president and a big FU to the washington ruling class
439. The devil that we know if better then the one we don't.
443. Donald Trump very genuine person.
451. i like Donald Trump
452. He will bring our economy back up and not lock us down. He will also keep our taxes low, taxing $400,000 and up people will trickle down. These "rich people" will then fire people and raise costs to make up what they lost.
458. Because he seems more competent, and wants things to be better instead of encouraging people to do horrible things and make it unsafe in America.
459. I think Donald Trump will do more for our country. Joe Biden had his opportunity and him and Obama did a horrible job.
461. I'm a conservative. I'm for smaller government, lower taxes, free market, against abortion, pro gun rights, shutting down illegal immigration. All of that is very much Donald Trump.... and not at all Joe Biden. Trump gets my vote.
462. Half an hour later, voting will end in the pivotal swing states of Florida and Pennsylvania ... Mr Biden has accused Mr Trump of a haphazard response to the pandemic ... "I think we have a really solid chance of winning," he said. ... and the White House for the first time since early in Barack Obama's first term.
471. done a great job and my 401k thanks him and looks forward of 4 more productive years hopefully the silly democrats will actually try and work with him he will go down as one of the best Presidents ever
472. He is more qualified mentally and physically for the position, has done more for America in 4 years than Joe did in 47, and has not taken any financial help from foreign countries.
473. I already voted for Trump! End the lockdowns, and let's get the economy going again.
477. i simply feel leftists have gone insane and deny the violence that's overwhelmingly on their side. i think biden would only embolden them.
483. I would ideally vote for a third-party candidate such as Jo Jorgensen, however while Donald Trump is not very likeable, his policies are likely better for the average American. Biden is a professional, life-long politician who views people as pawns to gain votes to retain his power and status. Additionally, his solutions to most problems are to steal more and more from taxpayers. Based on his policies on his website, it is apparent that he will meddle in the housing market, energy markets, financial markets, and the healthcare markets. Trump seems to be an awful person generally, however his policies such as prison reform, the music modernization act, tax cuts, and regulation cuts have all been very helpful to individual Americans and their families.
485. He's already in office during this pandemic it would be a mistake to change presidents during this time
489. Policies
490. He's already in office during this pandemic it would be a mistake to change presidents during this time
491. Because he wants to open the economy back up and I feel he puts businesses first and he isn't going to tax as hard as Biden is saying he is.
495. Biden is too far left-and will along with the radicals in the Democratic party, destoy our freedoms and the USA as we know it now
496. Last week, I asked Donald Trump supporters why they believe that the billionaire ... earnestly believe that Trump is the best choice to lead America and those who ... We still have 2 more branches of government to protect us.
498. He is a proven leader. The presidential election is not a popularity contest, it is to elect the best person for the job.
502. I agree with Trump's stance on race and illegal immigration. I identify as conservative and see myself as a champion of family values.
506. He's already in office during this pandemic it would be a mistake to change presidents during this time
508. Trump understands that the US is a capitalist country and its citizens should have all the freedoms the founding fathers enacted.

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